Fad or Bad?: Too Much Shown.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Too Much Shown.

(Written by: Christy Penney)
Warmer weather should be coming right around the corner which means clothes start to slowly come off and reveal a little more than we did during winter. Which mean girls get anxious about wearing skirts and shorts that they may go a little over board and forget what too much showing really is.

Shorts can cover up a little more than skirts could if they were short. However if the shorts are too tight and short they start to reveal more than anyone needs to see on a daily basis. When you get up in the morning and can’t decide whether something is not appropriate to wear at any given point then chances are its not. If the shorts you put on cover your butt cheeks and nothings hanging out then you should be set to go. But if your shorts are crammed up there and half of your bottom is hanging out chances are it’s not a good choice of shorts for the day.

Skirts are the worst with people covering themselves. Women and especially younger girls will think that the skirts fine because they can’t see anything. Well when you start walking down a street or wherever it is you are and your skirt hikes up and its already too short to begin with, chances are you’re going to be showing the world a lot more of you than expected. Skirts are meant to be cute and fashionable not so hiked up that you might as well worn your underwear outside because that would have been more of a cover up.

People don’t want to see what color your underwear is or many other things as well. Think about things before you put those shorts on or that skirt. Because not only is it revealing its rather trashy and gross, especially to those who have covered themselves up and you decided to think it was alright to have your bottom out of those shorts. Its one thing for your bottom half of dressing to be above the knee and then another to have it above your butt.

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