Fad or Bad?: Designer Bags

Monday, April 28, 2008

Designer Bags

The trend these days seems like it's imitating celebrity fashion from their hair to their sunglasses to their handbags.  Celebrities don't buy just anything, however.  They usually have expensive taste and buy designer bags.  Nowadays, imitations of these designer bags have come on the market and many women can go to purse parties to purchase these bags for a much cheaper price.  As seen in the photos, Ashley Tisdale is  with her Louis Vuitton bag and Courtney Love is with her Chanel bag.  I see many ladies around campus carrying designer bags from these purse parties and they are very much in style.  It's great to be unique, but if you do want to imitate someone, then celebrities are the people who have the latest fashion trends.  But, you don't always have to imitate their behavior, if you know what I mean.

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