Fad or Bad?: Socks & Sandals

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Socks & Sandals

For anyone who has ever lived at the beach a tell tale sign of a tourist or "out of towner" is when you spot someone wearing both socks and sandals together. This is an interesting choice because one would think, that if you have sandals on the weather is warm and socks are not necessary. Yet, time and time again offenders are spotted wearing both items together. The biggest trend tends to be some type of leather Birkenstock's sandal with white socks. This is not a good look and it defeats the basic purpose of sandals- which is to expose your feet to the warm weather and sunshine! So buck up people! Let go of the socks, expose your white feet to the world and head out in just sandals! Beach locals everywhere will thank you!

~ D

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