Fad or Bad?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

When you have short legs it is very difficult to be able to find something you feel comfortable in. I'm a first hand example. As I've been around for a couple years and tried to get my best style down I've found that you should choose pants and jeans that are narrow and have a straight leg or boot cut style. High heels will complete the outfit and make your legs look even longer if the hem of the pants reaches mid heel. Pants with vertical lines like cords will make your legs appear longer. Do not cuff your pants at the bottom, it will make your legs look even shorter than they are. When choosing a bathing suit or panties, grab ones that have a high cut legs- that will make them look longer. When deciding what shorts you want to wear, which I have trouble with every year I found you should wear fairly short shorts. Lastly, for skirts it should be mini skirts, long skirt with heels, avoid mid calf skirts.


Gone are the days when pedicure and nail paint were the only things to make your feet look beautiful. Today you can make your feet look even more beautiful with different types of anklets and toe rings. There are many different kinds of anklets from cloth to sharp silver with many different charms that could hang from it. Toe rings, which are also a traditional Indian jewellery, are also getting popular among the fashion frenzy women these days. Some toe rings are silver and don't adjust to the shape of your toes very well, although there are some that have no sharp edges or cuts, probably cloth, that form to your foot nicely if you know how to put them on. They glamour up your foot, and they are also a great way of expressing creativity.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Men and Jewelry

Something  that has become more noticeable among men these days is jewelry, earrings, tattoos etc. Men are starting to take an interest in the way that they look. There are some guys that feel like it expresses who they are. I believe a guy that feels comfortable with him self is attractive. Some guys feel like wearing jewelry etc. make them seem more girly but I believe it all depends on their perspective. 

This guy seems comfortable wearing earrings. 


"Thumb Holes"

(Written By: Christy Penney)
Long sleeve shirts, sweaters and sweatshirts are popular among a lot of women and men out there. However now they are making the sleeves on these shirts a tad bit longer just so they cover your thumbs. They are adding what they call “thumb holes” to the sides of sleeves at the bottom, this way you can put your thumb through those holes just as if you were putting mittens on. It has grown in popularity over the years between both women and men’s clothing.

It first started out with people cutting actual holes in their shirts that the sleeves were too long. This was more comfortable to have your thumb slip through the hole rather than having your sleeve hang over your hands. Then as the popularity grew in fashion it became quite the statement and more and more people were getting in to the whole trend.

Now they have actually brought it into the fashion world and various stores sell shirts with holes in the sleeves. All different kind of shirts, with multiple colors and design, display this type of fashion on it. However many people will still resort to cutting holes in other shirts that they buy as well, simply because its more comfortable for them when the sleeves are to long. But if you’re looking for something different, look at long sleeve shirts the next time you go to the store and seen what how many have holes in the bottom of the sleeves.

Fanny Pack- Need I say more???

The famous fanny pack, which in case you don't know is similar to a purse but strapped around one's waist, was made infamous by Hulk Hogan. In this lovely image to the left, the Hulk is sporting a fluorescent orange bathing suit with his fanny pack. This is an interesting fashion choice- in that his "man bag" is almost larger than the only piece of clothing he is wearing! To the right we see the Hulk once again gallivanting through a grocery store sporting his fanny pack. Although this appears to be an easy way to carry one's things, it is however, a questionable choice from a fashion standpoint. I could see wearing a fanny pack to go out hiking or dirt bike racing or something like that where you need both hands and can't wear a wallet weighing you down. But the Hulk has taken his fanny pack obsession to a new level. Sorry Mr. Hogan- it's gotta go!

To further illustrate my point-

The fanny pack (US), belt pack (US), hip pack (UK), bum bag (UK), or belt bag (Oceania) is a small fabric pouch secured with a zipper and worn at the waist by a strap around the hips. Today Fanny Packs are often worn by hikers and bicycle riders. Fanny packs are used by travelers and were more popular during the early and mid 1990s. They can be slung either forward, side or to the rear of the wearer. One of the primary advantages of fanny packs is that they are hands free. This makes them great choices over purses not only for travelers, but also some people with disabilities, and those who have mobile professions.

The name Fanny Pack is derived from the fact that they were worn on the gluteus muscle also known as the "butt" or "fanny". Many do not wear fanny packs on their rear because they are easier to pick pocket. "Bum bag" or "belt bag" is used in the United Kingdom and anglophone Oceania as "fanny" is used as a colloquialism for vagina in those territories.

Fanny packs are today considered unfashionable by most people. Weird Al Yankovic, for instance, mocks the wearing of fanny packs in his song "White & Nerdy." For some, their resurrection is a form of ironic retro fashion. The fanny pack has made a huge comeback among youth in recent years, this time termed a pouch. Hence, many top designers such as The North Face, Gucci, Prada, Coach, Marc Jacobs, The Good Witch Closet, and Louis Vuitton have taken the opportunity to resurrect and redesign the fanny pack.

Many consider the fanny pack a sure mark for an out of place tourist, invoking the traditional tourist stereotypes known around the world. ~Wikipedia.com

~ D

Towels with Class

(Written By: Christy Penney)
With swimming and bathing suits coming into play there is sure to be towels to go along on the trip. Towels have gone from the simple bland colors to multiple designs and even favorite TV shows. Towels aren’t just bathroom necessities anymore they go even farther up the scale of fashion. You will find people of all ages at the beach or wherever it may be they choose to take a towel to, with a towel that draws attention to it. Mostly because the towel is creative and unique and people tend to be drawn to something that is full of life rather than just a plain old blue towel that the sun has bleached out.

They have cute little towels now that even are in the shapes of frogs, ducks and various other animals for both children and adults. The towels are whatever the animals color is and then the top of towel has the face of the animal on it. It’s quite the creative towel. Very different and unique towel if you want to get noticed down at the beach. People will also be seen with towels that resemble certain hobbies they like, music, people, shows and movies. They also have towels in vibrant colors like neon green, yellow, orange, and pink. Those will surely attract attention no matter where you are planning to go.

Add a towel to your summer swimming wardrobe that will make some heads turn. Visit department stores such as, Kohl’s, Wal-Mart, Renys, JCPenney and various other stores that sell summer apparel.