(Written by: Christy Penney)
Sorority and fraternity clothing is something unique and different among all of the people and groups involved. They are fun to pick up or even make on your own. It all depends on how you go about doing it. There are many different websites to help you out when wanting to find just the right piece of apparel for your style. No matter what sorority or fraternity you happen to be from or planning to join the clothing all comes differently for you as the person and for the organization itself.
They have many different designs on shirts that are already done up on the websites as well as sweatshirts, pants, bags, jewelry and etc. What your heart desires you can almost always find in the Greek world. They even have sunglasses in multiple colors for each sorority or fraternity with letters made special for each one on the sides. They have letter man jackets designed the way you want them with letters and your name just like they way it was done in the fifties for football.
You could also go to a screen printing store and have it made just the way you want it done. First starting with picking out the desired piece of clothing and then proceeding onto what you want put on it and what shape of letters and where. As well as going online to many Greek clothing websites and designing your very own sweater right online and seeing exactly how it looks right there on the website. This way your apparel is different from everyone and no one has the same as you. You get to stand out from the crowd and now a days it’s a very significant thing to be the only YOU out there.
Why not make the very best of it and be proud of your sorority or fraternity by wearing the letters created by you.
They have many different designs on shirts that are already done up on the websites as well as sweatshirts, pants, bags, jewelry and etc. What your heart desires you can almost always find in the Greek world. They even have sunglasses in multiple colors for each sorority or fraternity with letters made special for each one on the sides. They have letter man jackets designed the way you want them with letters and your name just like they way it was done in the fifties for football.
You could also go to a screen printing store and have it made just the way you want it done. First starting with picking out the desired piece of clothing and then proceeding onto what you want put on it and what shape of letters and where. As well as going online to many Greek clothing websites and designing your very own sweater right online and seeing exactly how it looks right there on the website. This way your apparel is different from everyone and no one has the same as you. You get to stand out from the crowd and now a days it’s a very significant thing to be the only YOU out there.
Why not make the very best of it and be proud of your sorority or fraternity by wearing the letters created by you.
Websites to visit: http://www.greekgear.com/, http://www.somethinggreek.com/, http://www.greek101.com/, and there are many others out there to browse through as well.
I like that you linked to certain sites....very helpful.
Thank you!
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